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The Experience Your Team Has Been Looking For

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Our experienced team delivers top-quality products to meet your specific needs and achieve your business goals. Whether you're a startup or established business, we have the expertise to help you stay ahead of the competition.


With expertise in fields such as Distributed Systems, Cloud, Fog, IoT, Automation and Digital Transformation (DX); and Native, Web, Server, Infra, DevOps and CI/CD technologies, let us take care of the technical complications so that you can focus on your product and the things that matter most.


Whether you're looking to build something new, or sustain something you already have; Our team of seasoned Architects, PM/POs and Full-Stack Engineers can help you every step of the way. From Discovery, Specification & UX Design, Agile Development, Production Release and Post Release Operations.

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If you're interested in learning more about how we can help you succeed, please don't hesitate to contact us today.

Project Estimation Assessment
1. Are your estimates accurate?

2. Are you aware of the risks?

3. Are you focusing on what matters?


You have a high value project and want a second opinion estimation.

You provide us with project specifics and concerns you may have. We then further gather requirements and any specifications we can and make a project outline.


We review the project specifics, assess the risks and create a task overview and plan for the project development.


We create a rough schedule for the project based on known risks and outlined project plan along with required resources and/or timelines.


We compare our estimation and planning against what you originally received and flag points of concern.


We provide you with a detailed report of our findings along with the estimate you should be expecting, as well as a list of questions or remarks you should be asking.

Project Risk Assesment
1. Foresee and understand risk.

2. Mitigate issues before they arise.

3. Move forward prepared and focused on what matters.


You have a high value project and are concerned about its current planning.

You provide us with project specifics and concerns you may have. We then further gather requirements and any specifications we can and make a project outline.


We identify risks within the project such as scheduling and resources, technology choice, architecture scalability flaws, operation cost, etc.


We quantify these risks based on the information available and unknowns, and provide potential impacts on the project.


We create a plan on how to mitigate these risks and ensure the project is not severely affected if something goes wrong.


We provide you with a detailed report of our findings along with the mitigation plan you should be expecting, as well as a list of questions or remarks you should be asking.

Technical Review
1.  Successful products require careful design.

2  Ask the right questions, get the answers you need.

3. Get assurance that your technical decisions will support your project.


You have a high value project and are facing some technological challenges making it hard to achieve certain goals.


You provide us with project specifics and concerns you may have. We then further gather requirements and any specifications we can and make a project outline.


We create an overall technical design for the project which accommodates the requirements you outlined.


We compare our design against what you originally had and flag points of concern as well as choices which affect your ability to achieve required goals.


We create a plan on how to mitigate these risks and ensure the project is not severely affected if something goes wrong.


We provide you with a detailed report of our findings along with the estimate you should be expecting, as well as a list of questions or remarks you should be asking.

Project Technical Support
1. Understand technical challenges.

2. Get a realistic plan.

3. Feel supported.


You have a high value project and are facing some technological challenges making it hard to achieve certain goals.


You provide us with project specifics and concerns you may have. We then further gather requirements and any specifications we can and make a project outline.


We create an overall technical design for the project which accommodates your requirements.


We review the project specifics, assess the risks and create a task overview and plan to help achieve outlined goals.


We create a rough schedule for these goals based on known risks and outlined project plan along with required resources.


We help you execute this plan by either providing development or management resources and provide periodic progress updates.

Project Disaster Recovery Support
1. Mitigate problems quickly and get your team back up and running.

2. Make sure no other issues will get in your way moving forward.

3. Get back on what matters.


You have a high value project which has faced some detrimental challenges not allowing you to deliver what is required.


You provide us with project specifics and issues that arose. We then further gather requirements and any specifications we can and make a project outline.


We review and modify the existing design and strategy to get it as close as possible to your ideals in a realistic way.


We create a phased incremental plan to bring you to your ideals while addressing any necessary milestones along the way.


We assist you through management, development or training to mitigate the core issues identified.


We continue to support you to help them achieve your ideal goal and provide periodic progress updates.

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